Considering the color of the handbag is a no-brainer. But did you know the size and shape of your leather purse or hand bag can help you look more put together?
Like how the prints and color of your dress tend to affect your appearance, your handbag is also a key element that can complete and portray your look. If you are short or curvy, choose a small handbag to make you appear taller. Your leather purse will act like a relative point of contrast that any seer will unconsciously measure your height with. Likewise, if you are tall, a smaller handbag will make you appear taller so you have to choose the opposite.
Which handbag do you choose to carry with you? Do you want it to carry a lot of items or just your phone, money and keys? What is the occasion you are going to and do you need to bring anything on your leather purse?
These are the questions we need to be asking. You may just need a space for a phone, lipstick, money and keys for a wedding and don’t need to carry a backpack with you. Or you may need to bring a laptop and files to a dinner meeting for which a leather briefcase may be a great idea.
Much like how you color coordinate your outfit, toting a purse that complements your ensemble helps nail your whole look and impression. Go ahead and pair your violet outfit with a yellow purse, if you’re going for a colorful shocker that is.
Is it a laptop bag? A makeup bag? A cell phone and keys bag? You decide.